Dena Herman, Ph.D., MPH,R.D. 
UCLA: Adjunct Associate Professor 
UCLA School of Public Health
Department of Community Health Sciences
650 Charles E. Young Drive, CHS 21-245B
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 825-3738

CSUN: Associate Professor
California State University, Northridge
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
18111 Nordhoff St, SQ 200M
Northridge, CA 91330
(818) 677-4086

Dr. Herman received an M.P.H. and Ph.D. in Community Health Sciences from the University of California, Los Angeles and an M.S. in Nutrition Sciences from the Friedrich-Wilhelms, Universitaet, Bonn, Germany.  Her research interests focus on the prevention of childhood obesity and the relationship between the microbiome and diet.  She has worked with ethnically diverse population groups across the age spectrum from infancy to elderly and in both domestic and international settings.  She also works clinically as a registered dietitian with children and their families in the FIT for Healthy Weight program at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medicine and is an Adjunct Professor at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.  She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American Society of Nutrition and the American Public Health Association. 

Current Trainees:

Marion Taylor Baer, Ph.D., R.D.
Director Emeritus
Adjunct Associate Professor 
UCLA School of Public Health
Department of Community Health Sciences
650 Charles E. Young Drive, CHS 21-245C
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 825-8196 

Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD, is an Adjunct Assoc. Prof. of Community Health Sciences (CHS) at UCLA, Professor Emerita of Clinical Pediatrics at USC (recent LEND Director) and former Director of the MCHB-funded Nutrition Partners for Excellence in MCH Nutrition Training Program at UCLA, a program she directed for 17 years. She has extensive experience in MCH nutrition, and in the education of professionals to plan for, and provide, services to high-risk children, those with disabilities, and CSHCN. Her research interests include the nutritional status of children with, or at risk for, CSHCN, the developmental consequences of malnutrition and their prevention through life course interventions, and issues related to primary and preventive health services, including nutrition. Through her multiple MCHB-supported grants, Dr. Baer has provided consultation and TA nationally, but, more specifically, to Title V and related programs in most of the states in Regions IX and X. Via the current training grant, she and her Partners (U Washington, OHSU, CSU, ASU) have expanded that scope to include the states in Regions VIII and VI, west of the Rockies, to form the Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network. Dr. Baer has received many honors, including recognition by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics with the annual invited Lenna Cooper Lecture and by the APHA Nutrition and MCH Sections with the Mary Egan Award for excellence in MCH nutrition

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