Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network (NLN) promotes nutrition leadership among state and regional Title V and other public health nutritionists by addressing identified training and technical assistance needs in the Western United States. There are 3 components that have been built into these Western MCH NLN Annual meetings.
1. Cutting-edge topical presentations, panels, or interactive experiences designed to provide continuing education for the participants. In 2007, this session provided an overview and research update on the role of prenatal nutrition in the developmental origins of disease, and issues re: trans fats. Subsequent participant discussions were designed to help put “science into practice” for MCH populations.
2. A networking session where State leaders share highlights from their programs, educational materials and progress on meeting State MCH performance measures.
3. Afocus on leadership with the goal of providing an opportunity for State leaders to determine how their own personality and leadership styles, as assessed from readings, by the instruments completed prior to the meeting and discussion among their peers, can be modified to improve their own leadership skills. Sessions have focused on team-building, getting the most out of meetings (including interagency and intra-agency meetings as well as one-on-one supervisory sessions), collaborative leadership, improving process and outcomes.