March 31- April 1, 2011
The Marina del Rey Hotel
13534 Bali Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Recommended Readings:
- Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie. ISBN #978-1-59562-025-5
- Article by Milton Kotelchuck and Amy Fine, entitled: “Rethinking MCH: The Life Course Model as an Organizing Framework.”
NLN Sharing Session Abstracts
Preventive Services for Women – Chance for National Input to Institute of Medicine (IOM) Workgroup:
Consider sending testimony to address what needs to be added to the “Preventive Services Now Covered under the Affordable Care Act,” what are the evidence-based services or medical goods related to nutrition, physical activity and breastfeeding that should be reimbursed for women. Include in your written testimony to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee addressing preventive services for women to be part of the Affordable Health Care Act: 1) specific services and medical goods recommendations and 2) evidence based data and literature to support recommendations including documentation that these services would be preventive. Draft testimonies that you can work from are shared.Deadline for testimony is May 2, 2011.
- Haydu 1 – Background – IOM Preventive Services for Women overview
- Haydu 2 – Breastfeeding Preventive Services.pdf
- Haydu 3 – Eating Disorders Prentive Services.pdf
- Haydu 4 – Nutrition and PA preventive services.pdf
- Haydu 5 – CDPH/DHCS Testimony for IOM Committee on Preventive Services for Women