Here are the top 8 sites that come up when you Google “Diet and Autism.”
1. AutismWeb ™ : A Parents’ Guide to Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD): Includes brief introductions to ten books about special diets for autism.
2. Starting Your Autistic Child on a Gluten Free/Casein Free Diet:
3. Diet And Autism Research Focuses On Which Foods May Affect Autistic Behavior An article about a planned study. Page has several links to special products, gluten free recipes, “read how homeopathy cures autism,” etc.
4. AUTISMINFO.COM©: “Nutritional intervention through vitamin and mineral supplementation is a major part of autism therapy and treatment.” “The purpose of this summary is to give parents valid reasons to consider trying the Gluten / Casein Free Diet. It is, indeed, daunting. But, frankly from my perspective, the part of a parent is easy compared to the difficulties a child must endure and battle with. We know because we live this diet.”“The Gluten / Casein Free Diet is an extremely important part of treating Autism.”
5. Healing Thresholds – Gluten Free Diet and Children with Autism: Appears to be a fairly unbiased presentation of the current state of the science
6. Diet and Autism: Posting and comments about autism and diet with links to a “market place” that has many supplements for sale such as orlistat, Acai berry, probiotic capsules, etc.
7. Pecan bread- kids and the specific carbohydrate diet (SCD): “What if there was a basic and fundamental thing you could do for your child with autism? What if that choice set the stage for every other intervention to come? And what if it would ensure your child the very best possible chance of recovery? Well, there is… and it’s called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). No matter what other things you choose to do for your child… supplements, chelation, other biomedical treatments, ABA…. nothing will have a more profound effect on your childs potential, and no other diet will provide a better foundation on which to build all the other pieces of the puzzle.” “The DAN (Defeat Autism Now) clinics that are very supportive of SCD report almost 100% success!” “The SCD diet excludes and removes ALL starches and complex sugars. This removal helps kill major yeast and bacterial overgrowth.”
8. Boston Moms: Article on treating Autism: Diet, ABA, and other interventions. Sponsored by Tuffs University Floating Hospital.