
2013 NLN Meeting Abstracts:  Healthy Hawaii Initiative June 13 update on the Healthy Hawaii Initiative from Michelle Maeda: On May 23-24, 2013 the 2013 PAN (Physical Activity and Nutrition) Summit was held to discuss past projects and pick one major objective in various categories as the primary focus to be accomplished first.  Categories included Worksite/Business/Industry; Community Design/Access […]

Financial Costs of Special Diets for Autism

It is difficult to measure the complete financial cost of a special diet. Below is one article written for a patient with Celiac disease.  Because a family may be interested in using the Gluten-free Casein-free diet for their children with ASD’s it is important for them to be aware of the costs associated with such […]

Financial and Other Costs to Families of Children with Autism

Return to Main Nutrition and Autism page Here you will find a few articles outlining the other costs of raising a child with ASD’s.  New data is being gathered about this because of the increased prevalence of ASD’s in society.  When calculating the cost to a family different researchers use different factors so their outcomes will vary […]

Efficacy of Special Diets for Autism

Return to Main Nutrition and Autism page. This page contains a collection of Peer-Reviewed Articles on the topic of the use of special diets in the treatement of ASD’s.  When a family asks for guidance it is important to have the data from evidence-based studies such as these to start your conversation with. https://www.flickr.com/photos/efleming/CC BY 2.0 Buie T, […]


2013 NLN Meeting Abstract: Colorado Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Impact Evaluation Project  2012 NLN Meeting Abstracts: Integrated, Multi-sector Approach to Prevent Obesity in Early Childhood in Colorado Nudging Students toward More Healthful Food Choices  2011 NLN Meeting Abstract: Creation of an Early Childhood Obesity Prevention (ECOP) Position and Work Plan

Training, Collaborative Learning and Support

Collaborative learning and support is provided by the Western MCH Nutrition Partners and NLN Members on current topics in MCH Nutrition.   Click to view: NLN Partner & Member Updates: MCH Partners and NLN Members present abstracts of current MCH Nutrition programs being implemented in their respective states at the annual NLN Meeting. View abstracts and progress […]


2013 NLN Meeting Abstract: Systems and Environmental Change Toolkit 2012 NLN Meeting Abstracts: Transitioning Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System (PedNSS)  California MyPlate for Moms Western Region WIC Electronic Technology (ET) Project 2011 NLN Meeting Abstracts: Association of State and Territorial Public Health Nutrition Directors (ASTPHND) Involvement Identifying WIC Eligible Populations using Data Linkages and Geographic Information System […]


2013 NLN Meeting Abstract: Arizona’s Public Health Nutrition Workforce: Looking to the Future, RDs for WIC  2012 NLN Meeting Abstract: Nurse Knowledge and Attitudes towards Breastfeeding in Arizona 2011 NLN Meeting Abstract: Physicians Guide to the Arizona WIC Program

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