University Partners are available to provide presentations on current knowledge in MCH nutrition to western state WIC programs and other public health forums. Presentations are available for:
- The Life Course Perspective in Relation to Maternal Child Health Nutrition
- Gestational Weight Gain Recommendations
- Hypertension, Pre-hypertension, and Eclampsia
- A Review of Nutrition and Autism
For more information or to schedule presentations, contact:
Donna Johnson, RD, PhD at
Associate Professor, Nutritional Sciences, University of Washington
Details on MCH NutritionPresentations
1. The Life Course Perspective in Relation to Maternal Child Health Nutrition: The objectives of this presentation are to enable participants to: (1) name at least three major ideas that are part of a life course perspective and provide at least one nutrition-related situation that illustrates each of the major ideas; (2) describe how nutrition during pregnancy, infancy and the pre/inter pregnancy period impacts lifelong health; (3) apply the life course perspective to work in state and local health agencies; and (4) describe how life course approaches can be used to advocate for an essential role for WIC in advancing the health of the population. Link to:
2. Gestational Weight Gain Recommendations: Pre-pregnancy weight and weight gain during pregnancy impact the lifelong health of both mothers and children. Compared to 10 and 20 years ago more WIC mothers are already overweight or obese when they begin their pregnancies. In addition, a majority of women now have gestational weight gains that are outside of the recommended ranges. This session will provide information about the rational for the 2009 Institute of Medicine recommendations for gestational weight gain and the new recommendations themselves. The session will include opportunities to think together about how to apply the 2009 recommendations in real WIC settings. Links to:
- CE materials for presentation: Outline, objectives, references (doc)
- Case studies:
3. Hypertension, Pre-hypertension, and Eclampsia: Hypertensive disorders in adults, children and pregnant women are associated with serious short and long term health problems. While some of the nutritional approaches that have been used to address these disorders in the past have proven to be ineffective, recent scientific reviews have found that some nutritional factors are important for prevention and treatment. This session will provide current knowledge about nutrition and hypertensive disorders in children and women of childbearing age. The session will include opportunities to apply this information to WIC counseling situations and to highlight the role that WIC can play in deceasing morbidity and mortality associated with hypertensive disorders in the maternal and child health population. Links to:
4. Autism and Nutrition: Are Kids What They Eat? This presentation explores the link between diet/nutrition/GI tract/feeding and autism, including the history and rationale for dietary approaches and the recent Consensus Statement on recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of GI disorders in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Clinical perspectives of the “gluten-free/casein-free” diet are discussed, including nutrition issues and concerns and how public health professionals can support families who want to follow special diets. Link to: