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Topic 1. Autism Spectrum Disorders

Session C: Issues Faced by Families
For Topic 1. Autism Spectrum Disorder there are three Journal Club Sessions.  This is Session C. Each session is worth one continuing education unit (CEU)  from CDR. After completion of any of the sessions by registering for the Journal Club, reading the assigned articles and posting to the forum board you will receive a certificate of participation, one CEU per session. For details on how to obtain CEU’s,see attachment below.

SessionsTopicsDates of Participation
Session AEfficacy of Nutrition Based TreatmentsSeptember 1-30, 2010
Session BNutritional Status of Children with ASDOctober 1-30, 2010
Session CIssues Faced by FamiliesNovember 1-30, 2010

Once you have logged on you may access the complete journal article texts and download them from there. They are listed by date of publication.
Interested in reading more about nutrition and ASDs? Our nutrition and autism public database has links to journal articles, state resources and much more.

If you have any questions or problems, you may contact the Journal Club Administrator via email at 

Session C: Issues Faced by Families 
In each section there are three articles for discussion.  As you read the articles, please reflect on the following questions and post your thoughts on the forum board.  Posting to the board is the only way to get CEUs for participation and it will allow you to interact with your peers.

Session C:  After this session participants will identify issues faced by families in order to recommend optimal family-centered care for them. The families of children with ASD face unique challenges;we will be most effective when we understand the family experience and become more culturally competent in the process. This section includes three studies which address parental stress, perception of mealtime behaviors and loss of income related to caring for a child with ASD.

Articles :

  • Lockner DW. ( 2008) Dietary intake and parent’s perception of mealtime behaviors in preschool-age children with autism spectrum disorder and in typically developing children. Journal of American Dietetic Association
  • Estes A. (2009) Parenting stress and psychological functioning among mothers of preschool children with autism and developmental delay. Autism
  •  Montes G. (2008) Association of childhood autism spectrum disorders and loss of family income. Pediatrics
  • Supplemental — Provost (2010) Mealtime Behaviors of Preschool Children:Comparison of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Children with Typical Development. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics

Some thought questions to get you started:

  1. What are the implications from these articles for new policy and practice?
  2. What is the quality of the science we are basing this on?
  3. Do the findings from these studies resonate with your experience? 
  4. Please take some time now to post your thoughts on the forum board.
How To Obtain CEU for Journal Club.pdf47.65 KB
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